Saturday, June 13, 2009

Atonism and Christianity

Lords of the New Church

Speaking of the Vatican in Rome, Avro calls it a 'she' because the Vatican is seen by many as 'the church' which is supposed to be the Bride of Christ. "...she has more dollar assets than the most powerful corporations in the U.S.A, larger monetary reserves than France, Belgium, Italy and Great Britain put the end of the present century (20th), she will control at least one-third of the total wealth of Europe and America - Avro Manhattan (Vatican Billions)

To satisfy the desire to discover the present whereabouts of the Cult of Aton, we need look no further than the Vatican, in Rome. It is from Popes (White and Black) and from their hired lieutenants that the insidious lies of history come... If we have concocted history, faked biography, spurious gospel accounts, rivaling factions (all professing uniqueness), massacred nations, looted lands, immolated martyrs, condemned free-thinkers, tortured rebels, and an indoctrinated mass of people unaware of the sick theological lies they, and their forefathers, have been ingesting, we should know, at least, from what vile spring they emanate. We must endeavor to expose this corruption while inquiring into its strange origins. We must also waste no time arming ourselves with knowledge to fend off the insidious affects of this inhuman leviathan which grows ever more powerful from our ignorance and compliance.

The story of the Roman Church is quite different and not a pleasant one to dwell upon. She made her advance through the medium of intrigue, war, fire and sword, persecution, torture, confiscations, and death, the exemplification of force and intolerance. By such means she gained control and increase in power and the Irish Church missionaries were gradually forced to withdraw from the continent. It was only by such forcible means that she could make gains against the Irish Church whose representatives surpassed hers in every field of peaceful learning, the sciences, philosophy and spiritual culture - Conor MacDari (The Bible: An Irish Book)

The centralization of Papal power culminated under Pope Innocent IV, who held the Papal reins from 1243 until 1254. Innocent IV, attempted to turn the Papacy into the world's highest political authority by proclaiming that the Pope was the "Vicar" (earthly representative) of the Creator to whom every human creature is subjected. It was under Innocent IV that the Inquisition was made an official institution of the Roman Catholic Church - William Bramley (Gods of Eden)

...there exists…another class of adepts belonging to a brotherhood also and mightier than any other they have to be ranked with the adepts of the Black Art. These are our Roman Catholic “Fathers” and clergy… A hundred times more learned in secret symbology and the old religion than our Orientalists will ever be... There are more profoundly learned Kabalists in Rome and throughout Europe and America than is generally suspected... Thus are the “Brotherhoods” of “Black” adepts more powerful and dangerous… than any host of Eastern Occultists - Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine, vol 3)

The Roman Catholic Church is, as we have been asserting, the offshoot and continuation of the ancient Egyptian Solar Cult of Aton. Its Popes are styled not on the person of Jesus (which is patently obvious), but on Akhenaton, the first minister for the god of light.

The god venerated by Catholicism is not the volcano god Jehovah, but Aton, or Adon, the sun god of the broken kings of old, cast out of their country which they brought to the brink of ruin. The Vatican, and the Church it has erected, is founded on the same Solar Theocracy as was common on the banks of the Nile; as that conveyed in secret at Heliopolis, Giza, Amarna, Avaris and Alexandria. One of the main titles of a Pope is suggestively: Servus Servorum Dei - "Servant of the Servants of God."

This organization has spent a great deal of time and money hiring apologists and "historians" to ensure that people do not find out about these facts. This organization's adversaries were not, and are not, so-called Jews or barbarian hordes, but free and intelligent men who use their wits to uncover and expose the roots of their sick, anti-human brand of religion, and who seek to release themselves from its ruthless power. The fear that lurks within the hearts of its echelon is directed at those whistle-blowers and renegades from within its own body, whose repulsion at what they see, and do, finally compels them to scream bloody murder. Their fears extend to this and to the idea that the world's men and women may finally wake up and escape the dire webs of delusion and evil that have been spun about their brains.

The word Vatican means "Place of Divination" or "Place of Sorcery." Along with its Royalist allies, this Atonist ... front has subjugated the world. The Vatican is on 7 hills and so is Jerusalem where the Vatican is to be moved to shortly. Israelis are in favor of the Pope's plans.
America it is the prototype for the New World Order "all nationalities with all their religions living together side be side peacefully. "Capitol Hill" is a clone of the Vatican being much older. The US Presidents are mere lieutenants of the Vatican elite and of the Royal Dynasties of Europe. President Reagan was a Knight of Malta as were and are many others..

It should never be forgotten that the power of the priest rests solely on the credence of the people. The people cry out for a savior, for certainty of heaven, for an exemption from the terrors of hell. Hence Priestcraft can neither do without hell nor purgatory. Take away both, or either, and its power is gone - M. F. Cusack (The Black Pope: A History of the Jesuits)

A religion which sedulously opposes its own improvement can do nothing essential toward improving anything else... On the contrary, it must check the growth of everything it touches with its palsied hands - Kersey Graves (The Bible of Bibles)

Its First Vile Breath

The Christian Church has left a legacy, a world view, that permeates every aspect of Western society, both secular and religious. It is a legacy that fosters sexism, racism, the intolerance of difference, and the desecration of the natural environment… Christianity has helped to create a society in which people are alienated not only from each other but also from the divine - Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History)

It was at Rome that early Christian pilgrims would gather; at the place where their Saint Peter was said to have been martyred and interred. Of course, there is not a shred of proof to support the proposition that a man called Peter either visited Rome to spread Christ's message or that he was subsequently crucified there by enemies. That was all concoction and remains unsubstantiated to this day. It was, however, the barrage of visitors to Peter's final resting place that profited the churches and Christian colleges which soon became established in the area. Before one inquires as to whether there is an ounce of physical proof for a Jesus or a Paul, one can inquire into the evidence for the rise of Rome over the shrine of a martyr who also most probably never existed. Upon a few insignificant archaeologically suspect bones, found beneath the Basilica of St. Peter, stands the mighty and eternal Church of Rome.

The wealthiest people in the world were among those who wished to absorb the heady and holy atmosphere created for their edification. And they were most welcome. This is what the self-appointed Bishops and clergy of Rome had been hoping for. It was their contributions of gold and silver that bought the bricks. The spires of Vatican City rose not due to god but to tourism. Emperor Valentinian III was just one of the many dignitaries who ensured the success of Rome through his generous contributions of land and money. And when such as he were offered remission for their earthly sins for a price (known as the “Sale of Indulgences”), the contributions came in thick and fast from all over the world. This kind of circus side-show brought in untold prosperity from the guilt-ridden of every corner of the globe. It was soon supplemented by an even more shameless trade in “holy” relics.

Once it became known that the relics of St. Peter, when combined with the spiritual power of his successors, could remit sins, it was natural that most of the Christians throughout Christendom longed to go to the tomb and this partake of Peter's and the pope's spiritual treasures. The latter invariably involved earthly treasures of money, silver and gold, or deeds of real estate - Avro Manhattan (Vatican Billions)

Significantly, it was not Jews who were flocking into Rome to gawk. They were not the ones sustaining this insidious exploitation. It was primarily Anglo-Saxons, those recently converted from paganism who were primarily involved. Some Anglo-Saxon kings abdicated their thrones in order to live the remainder of their lives at the tomb of St. Peter, their ticket to salvation.

... thanks mostly to the cult of the Blessed Peter, Roman Catholicism, which had collected vast amounts of temporal wealth prior to Pepin, now crowned her earthly possessions with additional territorial dominions - Avro Manhattan

... only 300 years after Constantine. Roman Catholicism had already turned herself into one of the largest land owners of the West - Avro Manhattan

The Donation of Constantine

About a generation after the Papacy had divorced itself from the empire, a certain papal official, Christophorous by name, completed a task of forgery which neatly transferred the temporal crown from the emperor to the pope - E. R. Chamberlin (Bad Popes)

In his excellent book detailing the rise to power of the Vatican, controversial scholar Avro Manhattan writes of the fraudulence of popes and of their manipulation of kings to expand their territories and appropriate colossal wealth in the name of their patron Saint Peter - the "Rock," - man's "Turnkey" to heaven, who had appointed Popes to officiate in his name, as he had done for the Christ. Manhattan draws our attention specifically to the forgery known as the "Donation of Constantine," the document that, once added to the Church's despicable "Canon Law," ratified and secured the reputation and status, both terrestrially and spiritually, of the Roman Church.

The Donation of Constantine…is a forged Roman imperial edict devised probably between 750 and 850. Its precise purpose is not entirely certain, but it was clearly a defense of papal interests, perhaps against the claims of either the Byzantine Empire, or the Frankish king Charlemagne, who had assumed the former imperial dignity in the West and with it the title "Emperor of the Romans"…the Donation grants Pope Sylvester I and his successors, as inheritors of St Peter, the dominion over the city of Rome, Italy, and the entire Western Roman Empire, while Constantine would retain imperial authority in the Eastern Roman Empire from his new imperial capital of Constantinople...This document was used by medieval popes to bolster their claims for territorial and secular power in Italy. It was widely accepted, though the Emperor Otto III denounced the document as a forgery - (Online Encyclopedia

Not content with the Papal States and the new regions acquired, the popes now wanted even more...They set themselves to expand even further their ownership of additional territories. They concluded that the newly born Papal States, although of considerable size, were too small for the pope, the representative of the Blessed Peter. These territories had to be extended to match Peter's spiritual imperium. Something incontrovertible by which the popes would be unequivocally granted the ownership of whole kingdoms and empires had, therefore, become a necessity. At this point this most spectacular of all forgeries makes its official appearance: the Donation of Constantine. Purporting to have been written by the Emperor Constantine himself, it emerged from nowhere. The document with one master stroke put the popes above kings, emperors and nations, made them legal heirs to the territory of the Roman Empire, which it granted to them lock, stock and barrel, and gave to St. Peter...all lands to the West and beyond, indeed, all the lands of the planet - (Vatican Billions)

The Emperor Constantine lived between 208 to 337 AD. After his vision he went on to issue the Edict of Milan, in 313 AD, which legalized Christianity throughout the Empire. Shortly, thereafter, it became the fastest spreading religion. Constantine’s conversion to Christianity is still shrouded in mystery and led to the most famous forgery in European history, that which became known as the Donation of Constantine. This document purports to be a signed document by Constantine and its principal feature is to grant the bishop of Rome - the Pope - temporal authority over the city of Rome and the entire Roman Empire. Although there are many glaring factual errors in the text of the document, which by themselves shows the document to be a forgery, the Donation of Constantine was accepted as genuine until the 15th Century, and was used by the Catholic Church to claim political power in not only the Roman Empire but also, ultimately, in all nominally Christian lands. Eventually, the Donation of Constantine was rejected as false - but by then the Church had established itself in almost all of Europe, its power founded on a forgery - Arthur Kemp (March of the Titans)

No monarch ruling today and no government under the monarch or instituted in their name would enjoy their position if the Church, empowered by the Donation of Constantine, had not given them permission to rule in the first place…the Donation of Constantine is a complete and utter fraud. The Church was never given any temporal powers at all, let alone the right to found dynasties, crown kings or instituted governments. The Donation of Constantine was a lie from beginning to end and has been known to be a fake since Lorenzo Valla applied the methods of historical criticism during the Renaissance - Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg (The Thousand-Year Elven Holocaust)
The rights and privileges which this masterly forgery brought to this cabal of bishops in Rome was to see them rise to the heights that they enjoy to this day. The "Donation of Constantine" emphatically insisted that the Church of Rome had global reign and had complete power in both secular and ecclesiastical life. There was to be no distinction. Within the nine proclamations of political and sacerdotal authority, there were two that gave to the Church legal sovereignty. From the documents acceptance, the clergy, bishops, cardinals and popes were to be regarded legally as above state law. Their judge was god, not man.

The Chair of Peter shall have supreme authority over all churches in the world...It shall be judge in all that concerns the service of God and the Christian faith... - (Donation of Constantine, excerpts)

The result was that the Roman Church obtained important privileges, among them immunity from the operation of secular law, which put her out of reach of the jurisdiction of all secular tribunals...thanks to a series of fabrications, forgeries, and distortions, carried out through several centuries and of which the Donation of Constantine was the most spectacular, the popes not only obtained a vantage ground of incalculable value from which to extend their spiritual and temporal power, but rendered themselves practically independent of all secular authority. Even more, they saw to it that the statutes of emperors and kings, no less than the civil law of nations, be undermined, greatly weakened and indeed obliterated by their newly acquired omnipotence - Avro Manhattan

The clergy were also exempt from taxation: In the 319 AD Constantine decided that the clergy was to be free from all taxes, and soon after, in 355 AD, they were also placed above the law and could not be brought to a state court to face any kind of trial.

After the scheming Gregory VII, Pope Urban II took over and under the pretext of "saving" Christ's tomb in the east, he sought to appropriate the lands and holdings of several other Christian churches and outposts, namely, Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria and Constantinople. To this end, he gathered together a vast "holy" army and initiated an acquisitive and murderous craze which became known as the "First Crusade." It was the first of seven, and the only one which succeeded. In 1099, the "Crusaders" of god overran Jerusalem and established the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Hysterical men, women and children participated, in the name of Christ and the Church.

Cursed be the man who holds back his sword from shedding blood - Pope Gregory VII (from The Decline of the Roman Church, by Malachi Martin)

Back home the nobles had mortgaged their estates to finance their part in the crusade. Since usury was a capital crime to Christians, the Church used the infidel Jews to do what they could not do - lend the needed money at usury - Richard Kelley Hoskins (In the Beginning)

Wonderful things were to be seen. Numbers of the Saracens were beheaded...Others were shot with arrows, or forced to jump from the towers; others were tortured for several days, then burned with flames. In the streets were seen piles of heads and hands and feet. One rode about everywhere amid the corpses of men and horses...It was a just and marvelous judgment of God, that this place should be filled with the blood of unbelievers - Raymond of Aguilers (from Holy Horrors, by James A. Haught)

By the end of his (Innocent II's) reign...the Vatican had become the temporal ruler of Naples, of the islands of Sicily and Sardinia, of almost all the States of the Iberian peninsula such as Castile, Leon, Aragon, and Portugal, all of the Scandinavian lands, of the Kingdom of Hungary, of the Slav State of Bohemia, of Serbia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, and Poland...He also became the true de facto and de jure sovereign of England - Avro Manhattan

The Donation of Constantine's forged clauses were interpreted to give Rome dominion over every island of the world. It was this edict that allowed Ireland to fall legally into the hands of Pope Hadrian IV (also known as Adrian IV) in the twelfth century. Using the ambitious English king Henry II (who coveted Ireland as a means of gaining dominion over France) the Pope seized the ancient land of Ireland which had a Christian church of its own and which did not acknowledge the authority of Rome.

Adrian IV during his reign issued a papal bull, Laudabiliter, granting dominion over Ireland to the English monarch, Henry II. The bull made Ireland a feudal possession of the King of England under the nominal overlordship of the papacy. The title the English King was to hold over Ireland was "Lord of Ireland". The pope had the right to grant sovereignty over islands in Europe to different monarchs because of a document called the Donation of Constantine - (Online Encyclopedia

It is not doubted, and you know it, that Ireland and all those islands which have received the faith, belong to the Church in Rome; if you wish to enter that Island, to drive vice out of it, to cause law to be obeyed and St. Peter’s Pence to be paid by every house, it will please us to assign it to you - Pope Adrian IV (Letter of permission to English king Henry II, for the invasion of Ireland)

...there are three letters from Alexander III...being transcribed into the Black Book of the Exchequer. In them, the pope expresses his warm approval of Henry's conquest of Ireland, calling his expedition a missionary enterprise, praising him as a champion of the Church, and particularly of St. Peter and of his rights, which rights St. Peter had passed onto the popes. Especially significant is the fact that the rights claimed by the popes under the Donation of Constantine, over all islands, are here asserted...Hadrian had declared that Ireland and all the islands belonged to the special jurisdiction of St. Peter...When in 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered America, his finding...opened up to Spain and Portugal tremendous vistas of territorial, economic and political expansion...The Donation of Constantine, therefore, was fraught with incalculable consequences, not only for Italy, France, Germany, England, Ireland and practically the whole of Europe, but also for the Americans and for the Near and Middle East - Avro Manhattan

The utter ignorance and credulity of the people during these ages was the key factor in the rise of the monster of corruption that still preys over the world to this very day. This monstrosity used the Donation and other forgeries to cement its vast holdings and power, to reward favorites and benefactors, and to crush rivals. One may lament, when they study history, the dark ages and the periods of death, decay and superstition that once existed. One may also acknowledge that these times did come into existence of their own accord. They were not a natural phenomena. They were bought, paid for, and delivered upon humanity. Witches did not immolate themselves and great oracles did not demolish themselves. Civilizations and nations did not terminate of their own accord, and men of wisdom did not incarcerate themselves in dungeons nor hang, draw and quarter themselves in city squares. No! These heinous atrocities, perpetrated by sadists such as Bernard of Clairvaux and Friar Tomas de Torquemada, assisted the Church of Rome to remove those men and women who dared to stand up against their oppressive dominance throughout their land. The campaign to ruthlessly condemn so-called "heretics," (especially wealthy ones) and the establishment of the famous "Inquisition" occurred for this exact purpose. Kings bowed to the great power of Rome not merely from awe and allegiance, but from fear. They knew what their fate would eventually be had they decided to contradict or obstruct the way of the Church. They knew they were open to excommunication for not persecuting the "heretics" (Pelagians, Donatists, Cathars, Manicheans, Fraticelli, etc,) that were reported to them. That man's fear of the Pope and of Rome was synonymous with fear of god, was just one more cunning and brilliant stroke in the artifice of this house of lies and corruption whose power extends to the minds of men as well as to their laws.

The possessions of heretics are to be confiscated. In the Church's territories they are to go to the Church's treasury...In 1228, Blache of Castille ordered that any person who had been excommunicated "shall be forced to seek absolution by the seizure of all this property - The Corpus Juris (the official law book of the Papacy)

The Inquisition would claim all the money and property of alleged heretics...Unlike Roman law that reserved a portion of property for the convicted's nearest heirs, canon and Inquisitional law left nothing. Pope Innocent III had explained that God punished children for the sins of their parents. So unless children had come forth spontaneously to denounce their parents, they were left penniless. Inquisitors even accused the dead of heresy, sometimes as much as seventy years after their death. They exhumed an burned the alleged heretic's bones and then confiscated all property from the heirs - Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History)

Furthermore, it is the ignorance and credulity of the world's masses that perpetuate the life of the monster. It is this ignorance, born from inner guilt and impressionability, that must end if we are to see an end to the bestial edifice of Vatican City, which now literally owns the world of men, and which controls every facet of life on planet earth. Yet, all we see in the world around us is complicity and folly, stupidity and false allegiance, crimes perpetrated in the name of god, and failure of the system to bring justice to those who sponsor and commit the worst crimes against humanity. The executive within the Church had, and still have, a vested interest in maintaining ignorance and conflict. Their very existence depends upon it.

Suppression and Control

The Church burned enormous amounts of literature. In 391 Christians burned down one of the world's greatest libraries in Alexandria, said to have housed 700,000 rolls. All the books of the Gnostic Basilides, Porphyry's 36 volumes, papyrus rolls of 27 schools of the Mysteries, and 270,000 ancient documents gathered by Ptolemy Philadelphus were burned. Ancient academies of learning were closed. Education for anyone outside of the Church came to an end - Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History)

The abysmal living standards of the so-called "Dark Ages" were brought into being intentionally. They were created at the behest of the sorcerers of Rome. The wealth of the world was slowly siphoned off, and learning was forbidden to everyone except the clergy. Bibles were chained to altars so that no one but the priest could refer to them, and Church Fathers even found themselves persecuted for challenging the status quo. The third century Church Father, philosopher and author Origin found himself excommunicated for merely theorizing that man, as well as the Church, had a role in his own salvation. The Church knew that its own dominance was threatened by thinking men. Therefore, it not only incinerated the works of earlier nations, such as the Irish, but made sure that the world would be kept in ignorance. The educated, the literate, and the keepers of texts would be themselves, the Church of Rome. Those persons flaunting ecclesiastical edict and seeking to educate themselves, or own taboo books, were considered heretics and would be made examples of. They would often suffer imprisonment, torture and execution.

Gregory the great...condemned education for all but the clergy as folly and wickedness. He forbade laymen to read even the Bible. He had the library of the Palatine Apollo burned "lest its secular literature distract the faithful from contemplation of heaven - Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History)

After Christians had spent years destroying books and libraries, St. John Chrysostom, the pre-eminent Greek Father of the Church, proudly declared, "Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth - ibid

Technology disappeared as the Church became the most cohesive power in Western society. The extensive aqueducts and plumbing systems vanished. Orthodox Christians taught that all aspects of the flesh should be reviled and therefore discouraged washing as much as possible. Disease became commonplace as sanitation and hygiene deteriorated. For hundreds of years, towns and villages were decimated by epidemics. Roman central heating were also abandoned - ibid

Another key tactic of the Pope and his bishops, ensuring control over the human mind, was the insinuation that the sexual instincts of men were not of god but the devil. The bishops knew that the man divided is the man submissive and controlled. At the beginning of Christianity there was no such taboo against sexuality, but by the time of Augustine of Hippo the body was seen as an encumbrance keeping man from pure meditations and direct contact with god. The body and its needs dragged man to worldly life and to sin. As Saint Jerome preached:

Regard everything as poison which bears within it the seed of sensual pleasure

Follow our Lord's example, and hate your body; if you love it, strive to lose it; says Holy Scripture, in order to save it; if you wish to make peace with it; always go armed, always wage war against it; treat it like a slave, or soon your yourself shall be its unhappy slave - (Words of an Augustinian Priest to the King of Poland. From Delumeau's Sin and Fear)

Sex as an act that empowers the individual threatens a religion intent upon controlling society. As Clement said, "lust is not easy to restrain, being devoid of fear..." - Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History)

We must remember that the main purpose of the trial and execution is not to save the soul of the accused but to achieve the public good and put fear into others - Francisco Pena (Inquisitor, 1578)

Yes, the man in fear, who considers himself a dire sinner against god for following his own body's instincts is doomed to a life of masochism and self-hatred. He repudiates his own body, regards himself as recalcitrant, and accepts instruction from on high that his soul, the only part of him that matters, might be saved from perdition.

This article refers to Michael Sarion works at

Monday, June 8, 2009

Chronology of Tyranny

England's Jewish Aristocracy

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Did you know that Simon Cowell, the acerbic judge on American Idol, is half-Jewish?

British Jews keep a low profile but they are extremely influential. Similarly, it is hardly known that the British aristocracy largely is half-Jewish too, and that, in the words of L.G. Pine, Editor of Burke's Peerage, "the Jews have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual." (219)

This is confirmed by British social critic Hilaire Belloc who described the British Empire as a partnership between Jewish finance and the British aristocracy.

"After Waterloo [1815] London became the money market and the clearing house of the world. The interests of the Jew as a financial dealer and the interests of this great commercial polity approximated more and more. One may say that by the last third of the nineteenth century, they had become virtually identical." ("The Jews" 1922)

In the next few articles, I am going to explore the thesis that the British Empire was a Masonic proxy, and that British & American imperialism derived its moxie from the perverse desire of Cabalist bankers to own and control everything. The Illuminati bankers (i.e. the "Crown") colonized England & the US as well as the world. The "Jewish Conspiracy" was the British Empire now repackaged as the New World Order. Of course, now it encompasses everyone with a stake in "globalism."

Before I commence this heavy lifting, it being the weekend, I want to regale you with Pine's amusing account of "Jewish infiltration into the aristocracy." ( "The Anglo Jewish Peerage" in "Tales of the British Aristocracy" 1956, pp.217-223.)

Pine is outspoken in a way few people are today. He says that for every Rothschild or Disraeli, there were "10 cases of Jewish connection which are now forgotten. The reason is that in many cases "Jewish origin is concealed." (218)

The marriage of Jewish finance and British aristocracy took place literally. Spendthrift gentry married the daughters of rich Jews.

Pine is scornful of the British aristocracy: "A man is not usually thought the more of, because he has married a woman for her money...An ancient estate is likely to be sold unless some large sums are found. The sums are found from marriage with a Jewish heiress..."

An outstanding example is the marriage of the 5th Earl of Roseberry who married the only daughter and heiress of Baron Mayer de Rothschild and later became Prime Minister. "She stayed in the Jewish religion but her children were educated as Christians...The alliances between Jewish ladies and British lords are mostly of this type, the wife providing large sums...while the aristocrat has the title and ancient estate. The children are able to look back upon a varied bag of ancestors."

Pine obviously does not approve of these parvenus: "There can be no question that the British Peerage is now very much diluted with Jewish blood and has many connections among its most ancient and august families with those who only a few generations ago were inhabitants of the Ghetto."

But he opines that England's enfeebled elite may need this protection from the "forces of revolution":

"The power of money is very great and as almost every liberal newspaper is under Jewish influence it follows that the forces of revolution when directed against the peers are likely to meet with as determined an opposition from the Jewish kinfolk of the aristocracy..."

L.G. Pine needn't worry about the "forces of revolution" since they were created by Jewish finance to concentrate power and wealth in their own hands. This will find its apogee in the New World Order.


The "Jewish Conspiracy" may indeed be the British Empire, and the "Jews" may in fact be the Masonic British aristocracy who regard themselves as Jews, and often are. They consider themselves one of the lost tribes of Israel, the real "Chosen People." The word "Brit" apparently derives from the Hebrew for "pact" or "covenant" ( i.e. the Jewish Covenant with God.) Members of the British royal family are circumcised by a Jewish mohel.

All I can say is, the Tribe is not whom I thought!

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Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at

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Comments for "England's Jewish Aristocracy"

Alan said (June 8, 2009):

I think world Jewry is very much tied into the "British" Aristocracy. I think people are starting to catch on to it also--hence the significance of the British National Party victory this weekend in getting one of their people elected along with several other "extreme" candidates throughout Europe. People are slowly realizing that all the major parties are protecting the ruling class of the Jewish Banksters and their Gentile minions and that we need a new clean slate.

Nesta Webster acknowledged the Jewish/Masonic influence in Britain in her Secret Societies book in Chapter twelve. You've probably read it but your readers might be interested also. Here is a link:

Eustace Mullins has also touched on it in his works. Both he and Webster traced it back to Babylonian occultist origins but it's manifestation in today's world is thoroughly Jewish as expressed through the behavior of the Bankers via Rothschild and Co., the existence of the zionist State of Israel, the ZOG of the USA through the Jewish AIPAC lobby and in your article of it's manifesting itself today as "British" Aristocracy. If one looks at the blatant criminality of the Chabad Lubavitchers all over the world, the Settler Movement in Palestine expanding Pan-Israel, AIPAC here in the States, the Kabalistic beliefs that drive the Messianic criminal Banksters in underwriting the State of Israel (a picture of a Rothschild is on some of their money), the common denominator to a lesser or greater degree amongst all these groups, is "Judaism" of one form or another.

Sad to say, even Rabbi Weiss, an Ashkenazic Jew of the anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewish group Neturei Karta considers Palestine his homeland even though he prays for the peaceful dismantling of the zionist state. There's that dualism again. In addition to the Torah, he too utilizes the anti-Gentile Talmud in his teachings and beliefs, but even without it, Jewish exceptionalism, which is the foundation of zionism, can be found simply by looking at the first five books of the OT. Net it all out and what are we non-Jews to think? Is it really the German Death Cult or Teutonic zionists that Alex Jones is trying to shove down our throats? Is it really the Vatican or the "Black Pope?"

At this point, we have to once again painstakingly state the obligatory disclaimer that no, not all Jews are involved. I can sometimes make the point with this analogy. Not all black people listen to or support rap music, but that doesn't change the fact that "rap music" is a product of Black Culture. Likewise, not all Mexicans like tejano music but it nonetheless is a product of Mexican Culture and that it is in fact OK to refer to rap music as "black music" or tejano music as "Mexican music. To self-censor for political correctness or to avoid being called a name is to deny reality. So, even though not all Jews are involved with the evil we vaguely refer to as the New World Order and even though there are many crypto-Jews and non-Jews who are involved with it, it is none-the-less a "Jewish" phenomena. Especially at the top with the Bankers and obviously likewise in British Aristocracy.

The real question is do we have enough time to awaken enough people in order to get enough momentum to make a change in our world so mankind of all the nations can get back on track to their own courses of self-determination?

Tom said (June 6, 2009):

I believe the jewish influence into British royalty goes back much further than we have been lead to believe..Check out this wonderful expose of the Queens coronation and the "Jewish ties" to this ancient ritual ceremony..

Dave said (June 6, 2009):

Found your article on Jewish Aristocracy very interesting, and recalled a Tel-Aviv newscast a few years ago, that claimed that the British Royal Family is a descendant of the King David line. I find that rather unique in the fact that someday a man will come to Jerusalem claiming to be the Messiah of the Jews.
Some will agree, and some will call him the anti-Christ. But while many Bible teachers claim that the anti-Christ will be a Russian or a Muslim, I think that this would be impossible, and insulting to Judaic theology, that any man other than a direct descendant of King David would be welcomed into the temple as king. Therefore, only a man with the proper credentials would be accepted.

I suppose that the most complete New World Order would be built upon the foundation of the hearts of men, and nothing would be more effective than having a Messiah/King as it’s leader to believe in. Perhaps our capable Illuminists have also considered this a part of their agenda.

Ilario said (June 6, 2009):

Jewish people was seeded in European peoples to form, shape and direct human society toward a destiny and for a purpose. In this project we all are like a flock guided by the Sheppard, the Jewish(?).

They are all over, well positioned and guiding the flock according to plan. To have an idea, that make sense, we should explore, back in history, the dawn of time. Esoteric, folkloric and religious books contains many hints, their meanings are hidden in hermetic, esoteric languages. To analyze a too small point we cannot know whether this is part of a circle or a straight line.

The project “Human Specie” society is only possible if the subject, us, is not aware of it and react spontaneously.

David said (June 6, 2009):

Did you ever read this? The letter from Manasseh Ben Israel to Cromwell. The Jews, like in many parts of Europe, had been forbidden entry into England, for over 300 years by this time. But:

Lord Alfred Douglas, who edited a weekly review known as Plain English published by the North British Publishing Company, in an article which appeared in the issue of Sept. 3rd 1921, explained that he and his friend, Mr. L.D. Van Valckert of Amsterdam, Holland, had come into possession of a missing volume of records of the Synagogue of Muljeim. This volume had been lost during the Napoleonic Wars . The volume contained records of letters written to and answered by the directors of the Synagogue.

They are written in German. One entry dated June 16th, 1647 reads : From O.C. (i.e.) Oliver Cromwell to Ebenezer Pratt.

‘In return for financial support will advocate admission ... to England ; this however impossible while Charles living . Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist . Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with the arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape .’

In reply to this dispatch the records show E. Pratt wrote a letter dated July 12th, 1647 addressed to Oliver Cromwell.

‘Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed and ... admitted.(26) Assassination too dangerous . Charles should be given an opportunity to escape . His recapture will then make trial and execution possible . The support will be liberal but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.’

The entry of the Jews into England was key because their finance enabled the Industrial Revolution, and all the extremes of exploitation that it is infamous for. Excesses that were conveniently "exposed" by Marx, to rile these same exploited masses to grant further power to their hidden masters.

But they were deterred to some extent by the continuing power of the Church, which forbade interest. So they mobilized their agent, Adam Smith, to claim that government should leave "business" well enough alone. And the rest is history.