by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Did you know that Simon Cowell, the acerbic judge on American Idol, is half-Jewish?
British Jews keep a low profile but they are extremely influential. Similarly, it is hardly known that the British aristocracy largely is half-Jewish too, and that, in the words of L.G. Pine, Editor of Burke's Peerage, "the Jews have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual." (219)
This is confirmed by British social critic Hilaire Belloc who described the British Empire as a partnership between Jewish finance and the British aristocracy.
"After Waterloo [1815] London became the money market and the clearing house of the world. The interests of the Jew as a financial dealer and the interests of this great commercial polity approximated more and more. One may say that by the last third of the nineteenth century, they had become virtually identical." ("The Jews" 1922)
In the next few articles, I am going to explore the thesis that the British Empire was a Masonic proxy, and that British & American imperialism derived its moxie from the perverse desire of Cabalist bankers to own and control everything. The Illuminati bankers (i.e. the "Crown") colonized England & the US as well as the world. The "Jewish Conspiracy" was the British Empire now repackaged as the New World Order. Of course, now it encompasses everyone with a stake in "globalism."
Before I commence this heavy lifting, it being the weekend, I want to regale you with Pine's amusing account of "Jewish infiltration into the aristocracy." ( "The Anglo Jewish Peerage" in "Tales of the British Aristocracy" 1956, pp.217-223.)
Pine is outspoken in a way few people are today. He says that for every Rothschild or Disraeli, there were "10 cases of Jewish connection which are now forgotten. The reason is that in many cases "Jewish origin is concealed." (218)
The marriage of Jewish finance and British aristocracy took place literally. Spendthrift gentry married the daughters of rich Jews.
Pine is scornful of the British aristocracy: "A man is not usually thought the more of, because he has married a woman for her money...An ancient estate is likely to be sold unless some large sums are found. The sums are found from marriage with a Jewish heiress..."
An outstanding example is the marriage of the 5th Earl of Roseberry who married the only daughter and heiress of Baron Mayer de Rothschild and later became Prime Minister. "She stayed in the Jewish religion but her children were educated as Christians...The alliances between Jewish ladies and British lords are mostly of this type, the wife providing large sums...while the aristocrat has the title and ancient estate. The children are able to look back upon a varied bag of ancestors."
Pine obviously does not approve of these parvenus: "There can be no question that the British Peerage is now very much diluted with Jewish blood and has many connections among its most ancient and august families with those who only a few generations ago were inhabitants of the Ghetto."
But he opines that England's enfeebled elite may need this protection from the "forces of revolution":
"The power of money is very great and as almost every liberal newspaper is under Jewish influence it follows that the forces of revolution when directed against the peers are likely to meet with as determined an opposition from the Jewish kinfolk of the aristocracy..."
L.G. Pine needn't worry about the "forces of revolution" since they were created by Jewish finance to concentrate power and wealth in their own hands. This will find its apogee in the New World Order.
The "Jewish Conspiracy" may indeed be the British Empire, and the "Jews" may in fact be the Masonic British aristocracy who regard themselves as Jews, and often are. They consider themselves one of the lost tribes of Israel, the real "Chosen People." The word "Brit" apparently derives from the Hebrew for "pact" or "covenant" ( i.e. the Jewish Covenant with God.) Members of the British royal family are circumcised by a Jewish mohel.
All I can say is, the Tribe is not whom I thought!
You can find this article permanently at http://www.henrymakow.com/englands_jewish_aristocracy.html
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Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at henry@savethemales.ca
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Comments for "England's Jewish Aristocracy"
Alan said (June 8, 2009):
I think world Jewry is very much tied into the "British" Aristocracy. I think people are starting to catch on to it also--hence the significance of the British National Party victory this weekend in getting one of their people elected along with several other "extreme" candidates throughout Europe. People are slowly realizing that all the major parties are protecting the ruling class of the Jewish Banksters and their Gentile minions and that we need a new clean slate.
Nesta Webster acknowledged the Jewish/Masonic influence in Britain in her Secret Societies book in Chapter twelve. You've probably read it but your readers might be interested also. Here is a link:
Eustace Mullins has also touched on it in his works. Both he and Webster traced it back to Babylonian occultist origins but it's manifestation in today's world is thoroughly Jewish as expressed through the behavior of the Bankers via Rothschild and Co., the existence of the zionist State of Israel, the ZOG of the USA through the Jewish AIPAC lobby and in your article of it's manifesting itself today as "British" Aristocracy. If one looks at the blatant criminality of the Chabad Lubavitchers all over the world, the Settler Movement in Palestine expanding Pan-Israel, AIPAC here in the States, the Kabalistic beliefs that drive the Messianic criminal Banksters in underwriting the State of Israel (a picture of a Rothschild is on some of their money), the common denominator to a lesser or greater degree amongst all these groups, is "Judaism" of one form or another.
Sad to say, even Rabbi Weiss, an Ashkenazic Jew of the anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewish group Neturei Karta considers Palestine his homeland even though he prays for the peaceful dismantling of the zionist state. There's that dualism again. In addition to the Torah, he too utilizes the anti-Gentile Talmud in his teachings and beliefs, but even without it, Jewish exceptionalism, which is the foundation of zionism, can be found simply by looking at the first five books of the OT. Net it all out and what are we non-Jews to think? Is it really the German Death Cult or Teutonic zionists that Alex Jones is trying to shove down our throats? Is it really the Vatican or the "Black Pope?"
At this point, we have to once again painstakingly state the obligatory disclaimer that no, not all Jews are involved. I can sometimes make the point with this analogy. Not all black people listen to or support rap music, but that doesn't change the fact that "rap music" is a product of Black Culture. Likewise, not all Mexicans like tejano music but it nonetheless is a product of Mexican Culture and that it is in fact OK to refer to rap music as "black music" or tejano music as "Mexican music. To self-censor for political correctness or to avoid being called a name is to deny reality. So, even though not all Jews are involved with the evil we vaguely refer to as the New World Order and even though there are many crypto-Jews and non-Jews who are involved with it, it is none-the-less a "Jewish" phenomena. Especially at the top with the Bankers and obviously likewise in British Aristocracy.
The real question is do we have enough time to awaken enough people in order to get enough momentum to make a change in our world so mankind of all the nations can get back on track to their own courses of self-determination?
Tom said (June 6, 2009):
I believe the jewish influence into British royalty goes back much further than we have been lead to believe..Check out this wonderful expose of the Queens coronation and the "Jewish ties" to this ancient ritual ceremony..
Dave said (June 6, 2009):
Found your article on Jewish Aristocracy very interesting, and recalled a Tel-Aviv newscast a few years ago, that claimed that the British Royal Family is a descendant of the King David line. I find that rather unique in the fact that someday a man will come to Jerusalem claiming to be the Messiah of the Jews.
Some will agree, and some will call him the anti-Christ. But while many Bible teachers claim that the anti-Christ will be a Russian or a Muslim, I think that this would be impossible, and insulting to Judaic theology, that any man other than a direct descendant of King David would be welcomed into the temple as king. Therefore, only a man with the proper credentials would be accepted.
I suppose that the most complete New World Order would be built upon the foundation of the hearts of men, and nothing would be more effective than having a Messiah/King as it’s leader to believe in. Perhaps our capable Illuminists have also considered this a part of their agenda.
Ilario said (June 6, 2009):
Jewish people was seeded in European peoples to form, shape and direct human society toward a destiny and for a purpose. In this project we all are like a flock guided by the Sheppard, the Jewish(?).
They are all over, well positioned and guiding the flock according to plan. To have an idea, that make sense, we should explore, back in history, the dawn of time. Esoteric, folkloric and religious books contains many hints, their meanings are hidden in hermetic, esoteric languages. To analyze a too small point we cannot know whether this is part of a circle or a straight line.
The project “Human Specie” society is only possible if the subject, us, is not aware of it and react spontaneously.
David said (June 6, 2009):
Did you ever read this? The letter from Manasseh Ben Israel to Cromwell. The Jews, like in many parts of Europe, had been forbidden entry into England, for over 300 years by this time. But:
Lord Alfred Douglas, who edited a weekly review known as Plain English published by the North British Publishing Company, in an article which appeared in the issue of Sept. 3rd 1921, explained that he and his friend, Mr. L.D. Van Valckert of Amsterdam, Holland, had come into possession of a missing volume of records of the Synagogue of Muljeim. This volume had been lost during the Napoleonic Wars . The volume contained records of letters written to and answered by the directors of the Synagogue.
They are written in German. One entry dated June 16th, 1647 reads : From O.C. (i.e.) Oliver Cromwell to Ebenezer Pratt.
‘In return for financial support will advocate admission ... to England ; this however impossible while Charles living . Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist . Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with the arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape .’
In reply to this dispatch the records show E. Pratt wrote a letter dated July 12th, 1647 addressed to Oliver Cromwell.
‘Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed and ... admitted.(26) Assassination too dangerous . Charles should be given an opportunity to escape . His recapture will then make trial and execution possible . The support will be liberal but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.’
The entry of the Jews into England was key because their finance enabled the Industrial Revolution, and all the extremes of exploitation that it is infamous for. Excesses that were conveniently "exposed" by Marx, to rile these same exploited masses to grant further power to their hidden masters.
But they were deterred to some extent by the continuing power of the Church, which forbade interest. So they mobilized their agent, Adam Smith, to claim that government should leave "business" well enough alone. And the rest is history.
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