Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Excluded income

Have you searched Income tax law
for Excluded income?
A. Go to
B. Click on "Simple Search"
C. Enter Title 26 and Search for:
1. excluded income
2. eliminated income
3. eliminated items
4. specific sources
5. specific guidance
6. how to determine taxable income
7. the sources of income for purposes
of the income tax
8. income that is exempt or excluded
9. exempt, eliminated, or excluded income
10. exempt income (include HTML)
11. “exempt income” (include all)
12. “deductions” (include all)
13. deductions to excluded income
14. income that is not considered tax exempt
* RESULT - All located in Section 861
* Specifically, see Sec. 861-8T(d)(2)(ii), & (iii)
More info at
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse."

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